Booking Form

contact Dera amer

Mobile : +91 9001512512
Phone :  +91 9001412080
Email : 

Reservation & Cancellation policy

Early check-in or late check-out is subject to availability and may be chargeable by the hotel directly.

Check-in time is 02:00 PM, Check-out time is 12:00 PM.

100% Refund on Cancellation made before 30 Days of Check In Date.

50% Refund on Cancellation made before 20 Days of Check In Date. 

30% Refund on Cancellation made before 15 Days of Check In Date.

No refund on cancellation made 14 days prior to arrival.

Cancellations are accepted by email only & should have our acknowledgement.

It is mandatory for guests to present valid photo identification upon check in.

The Credit Card Holder must be one of the travellers.

We reserve the right to cancel or modify reservations where it appears that a customer has engaged in fraudulent or inappropriate activity or under other circumstances where it appears that the reservations contain or resulted from a mistake or error.

Come and stay!

If you would like to book a tent at Dera Amer please fill out the below form and a member of our team will be in touch with you within 24 hours.